Flap (aircraft)

Flaps are normally hinged surfaces mounted on the trailing edges of the wings of a fixed-wing aircraft to reduce the speed an aircraft can be safely flown at and to increase the angle of descent for landing without increasing air speed. They shorten takeoff and landing distances as well as improving climb rate. It does this by increasing the amount of lift generated, by lowering the stall speed and increasing the drag.

Extending flaps primarily increases the camber or curvature of the wing airfoil raising the maximum lift coefficient - or the lift a specific wing section may generate. This allows the aircraft to generate as much lift but at a lower speed, reducing the stalling speed of the aircraft, or the minimum speed at which the aircraft will maintain flight. Extending flaps increases drag which can be beneficial during approach and landing because it slows the aircraft. On some aircraft a useful side effect of flap deployment is a decrease in aircraft pitch angle which improves the pilot's view of the runway over the nose of the aircraft during landing, however the flaps may also cause pitchup, depending on the type of flap and the location of the wing.

There are many different types of flaps used, with the specific choice depending on the size, speed and complexity of the aircraft they are to be used on, as well as the era in which the aircraft was designed. Plain flaps, slotted flaps, and Fowler flaps are the most common. Flaps used on the leading edge of the wings of many jet airliners are called Krueger flaps. The Fowler, Fairey-Youngman and Gouge types of flap increase the planform area of the wing in addition to changing the camber. The larger lifting surface reduces wing loading and allows the aircraft to generate more lift at a given speed and reduces stalling speed but although the effect is similar to increasing the lift coefficient, raising the planform area of the wing does not necessarily change the lift coefficient which is dependent on the camber, not the chord.


Physics explanation

The general airplane lift equation demonstrates these relationships:

L = \tfrac12 \rho V^2 S C_L


Here, it can be seen that increasing the area (S) and lift coefficient (C_L) allow a similar amount of lift to be generated at a lower airspeed (V).

Extending the flaps also increases the drag coefficient of the aircraft. Therefore, for any given weight and airspeed, flaps increase the drag force. Flaps increase the drag coefficient of an aircraft because of higher induced drag caused by the distorted spanwise lift distribution on the wing with flaps extended. Some flaps increase the planform area of the wing and, for any given speed, this also increases the parasitic drag component of total drag.

Flaps during takeoff

Depending on the aircraft type, flaps may be partially extended for takeoff. When used during takeoff, flaps trade runway distance for climb rate - using flaps reduces ground roll and the climb rate. The amount of flap used on takeoff is specific to each type of aircraft, and the manufacturer will suggest limits and may indicate the reduction in climb rate to be expected. The Cessna 172 Pilot Operating Handbook recommends not using any flaps on takeoff unless the ground is rough or soft.

Flaps during landing

Flaps may be fully extended for landing to give the aircraft a lower stalling speed so the approach to landing can be flown more slowly, which also allows the aircraft to land in a shorter distance. The higher lift and drag associated with fully extended flaps allows a steeper and slower approach to the landing site but imposes handling difficulties in aircraft with very low wing loading (the ratio between the wing area and the weight of the aircraft). Winds across the line of flight, known as crosswinds, cause the windward side of the aircraft to generate more lift and drag, causing the aircraft to roll, yaw and pitch off its intended flight path, and as a result many light aircraft have limits on how strong the crosswind can be while using flaps. Furthermore, once the aircraft is on the ground, the flaps may decrease the effectiveness of the brakes since the wing is still generating lift and preventing the entire weight of the aircraft from resting on the tires, thus increasing stopping distance, particularly in wet or icy conditions. Usually the pilot will raise the flaps as soon as possible to prevent this from occurring.

Maneuvering flaps

Some gliders not only use flaps when landing but also in flight to optimize the camber of the wing for the chosen speed. When thermalling, flaps may be partially extended to reduce the stalling speed so that the glider can be flown more slowly and thereby turn in a smaller circle to make best use of the core of the thermal. At higher speeds a negative flap setting is used to reduce the nose-down pitching moment. This reduces the balancing load required on the horizontal stabilizer, which in turn reduces the trim drag associated with keeping the glider in longitudinal trim. Negative flap may also be used during the initial stage of an aerotow launch and at the end of the landing run in order to maintain better control by the ailerons.

Like gliders, some fighters also use special flaps to improve maneuverability during air combat, allowing the fighter to bleed off speed quickly, allowing for much tighter turns. The flaps used for this must be designed specifically to handle the greater stresses as most flaps have a maximum speed at which they can be deployed.

Types of flaps


  1. ^ Gunston, Bill, The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004, ISBN 978-0-521-84140-5/ISBN 0-521-84140-2 p.452
  2. ^ Toelle, Alan (2003). Windsock Datafile Special, Breguet 14. Hertfordshire, Great Britain: Albatros Productions, LTD.. ISBN 1-902207-61-0-1. 
  3. ^ Gunston, Bill, The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004, ISBN 978-0-521-84140-5/ISBN 0-521-84140-2 p.584
  4. ^ Gunston, Bill, The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004, ISBN 978-0-521-84140-5/ISBN 0-521-84140-2 p.569
  5. ^ Smith, Apollo M. O. (1975). "High-Lift Aerodynamics" (PDF). Journal of Aircraft 12 (6): 518–523. ISSN 0021-8669. http://www.arvelgentry.com/amo/High-Lift_Aerodynamics.pdf. Retrieved 2011-07-12. 
  6. ^ Gunston, Bill, The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004, ISBN 978-0-521-84140-5/ISBN 0-521-84140-2 p.249-250
  7. ^ Flight 1942
  8. ^ National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Wind and Beyond: A Documentary Journey Into the History of Aerodynamics. 
  9. ^ Gunston, Bill, The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004, ISBN 978-0-521-84140-5/ISBN 0-521-84140-2 p.331
  10. ^ Gunston, Bill, The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004, ISBN 978-0-521-84140-5/ISBN 0-521-84140-2 p.270
  11. ^ C.M. Poulsen, ed (July 27, 1933). ""The Aircraft Engineer - flight engineering section" Supplement to Flight". Flight Magazine: p.754a-d. http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1933/1933%20-%200200.html. 
  12. ^ NASA on High-Lift Systems
  13. ^ Virginia Tech – Aerospace & Ocean Engineering
  14. ^ Gunston, Bill, The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004, ISBN 978-0-521-84140-5/ISBN 0-521-84140-2 p.335
  15. ^ from German wiki page on Krüger flaps @ http://wikipedia.qwika.com/de2en/Kr%C3%BCgerklappe (accessed Oct 18, 2011)
  16. ^ Gunston, Bill, The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004, ISBN 978-0-521-84140-5/ISBN 0-521-84140-2 p.191


  • Clancy, L.J. (1975), Aerodynamics, Chapter 6, Pitman Publishing Limited, London ISBN 0-273-01120-0

See also